Bingung mau ngomong apa? Lagian gak jelas juga sih tujuanku buat Blog ini. Mau jualan tapi gak tau musti jualan apa?? Bagi2 Pointer CE Gratis aja kali yaa?! tapi belum upload pointernya sih.. nanti aja yaa!?
Ini hanyalah sekedar corat coret, maklum baru belajar alias newbie. So enjoy it...

Elios makin sepi aja kaya kuburan,, hadeew...

Blog, Updated at: 19.21

Anti DC New

Sekarang nih ada tukang DC di Elios, tiap jam berapa pasti DC. Kayaknya udah di jadwalin tuh sama tukang DC nya. Ganggu orang main game aja.. hhuuuufft

Tapi gak usah kuatir, aku udah siapin Anti DC baru. Langsung aja disedot yaaach, biar gak DC DC lagi.
Download aja filenya disini. Atau klik disini untuk sedot pointer yg lain.

Aturan pakai Anti DC New :
 ~ Klik aja Spasi untuk aktifkan

Nah gampang kan?? Happy Cheating.. :)

Blog, Updated at: 01.39

Nempa Yuk...!!

Halo Seal Cheaters sekarang waktunya nempa, he he. Bisa Nempa sendiri itu asyik loh, ident sendiri, plus in barang sendiri, xg in sendiri. Nyari bahan sendiri, manualnya beli... hadeeeew buang2 duit nih.
Tapi itulah asiknya craftman, sibuk nyari Crystal lah, beli Ruby lah.. teriak2 beli manual lah. Ribet banget..
Klo gagal barangnya ilang lagi,, hadeeeew. tapi itulah asiknya craftman. Gak papa buang2 cegel, yg penting bisa buat barang yg diinginkan. Ngapain sih susah2 nempa?? Beli Equip kan cuma 50k?!
Klo nempa cuma +7 juga, hahaha... It's Ok, itu masalah buat loe, klo km punya pikiran kaya gitu.

Aku lagi pengen buat Beginner nih, makanya aku coba XG in senjata buat ini Job.
Buat yg Lv cupu dulu, aku pilih Carrot.

Siapkan Manual dan bahan2nya, jangan lupa pake 1 bahan. Biar gak boros xixixixi..

Masukkan Carrotnya beserta tumbal, aku pake PD aja yaa... Lv kecil sih PD bisa 100%.
Klo sudah buruan tekan tombol OK.

 Sedang dalam proses.. ting.. ting.. ting..

 Horee berhasil,, berhasil..
Yosh udah DG tuh,, 1 langkah lagi jadi XG. Ayo semangaaat....

Klo udah sukses kaya gini nih,, jadi keranjingan pengen nempa lagi. Mumpung ada manual nganggur di gudang. Pake lagi aah.. Eiits,, tapi kali ini aku buat senjata untuk Job Mage Lv cupu. Kenapa Mage??
Karena aku belum ada senjata buat Mage, mumpung optnya lumayan.. XG in aah.

Siapkan Manual dan bahan2nya, pake 1 bahan lagi yaa he he

Masukkan Sage Staff beserta tumbalnya. Karena tumbalnya kecil, alu pake G10 biar slotnya kebuka semua.

Taraaa... udah jadi XG, tinggal +in jadi +7. Lumayan buat gebukin  Ice Crystal di Gunung Travia.

Klo udah ntar cari Crystal, Ruby + Manual lagi buat itu Carrot, susah sekarang. Jarang yg jual sih. Kalo ada yg punya Manual G, sini dong aku beli 100jt an. Klo ada yg G6 G7 G8 G10, tapi 100jt an loh. :P

Udah ah,, lagi males coret2 nih pengin nempa lagi.. he he
Makasih udah mampir, see ya . . . .

Blog, Updated at: 13.25

Bahan Manual G

Refine Manual (G)4

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Cool Boy
Cool Boy

level 52 and below 66 x Hatching Stone Hatching Stone
45 x Ivory Ivory
72 x Motherly Love Motherly Love
85 x Eyeball Eyeball
45 x Piece of Glass Piece of Glass
LV : 40
STR : 67
LUK : 45
Skill Lv : 4
35 % 3 500

Refine Manual (G)5

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Cool Boy
Cool Boy
Rascal Rabbit Raid
Rascal Rabbit Raid

level 65 and below 85 x Tattoo Tattoo
45 x Gasoline Gasoline
78 x Motherly Devotion Motherly Devotion
45 x Crystal of Hokma Crystal of Hokma
65 x Fairy's Powder Fairy's Powder
LV : 50
STR : 87
LUK : 55
Skill Lv : 5
30 % 3 800

Refine Manual (G)6

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp

level 78 and below 98 x Fish Bone Fish Bone
88 x Poisonous Claws Poisonous Claws
76 x Golemium Golemium
56 x Snow Crystal Snow Crystal
48 x Mark of Sakiel Mark of Sakiel
LV : 60
STR : 103
LUK : 65
Skill Lv : 6
25 % 3 1300

Refine Manual (G)7

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
TNT Skullo
TNT Skullo
Ice Man(Sword)
Ice Man(Sword)

level 91 and below 56 x Solarstone Solarstone
133 x Crystal of Nixie Crystal of Nixie
58 x Dullahan's Sign Dullahan's Sign
124 x White Base White Base
144 x Mermaid's Bubble Mermaid's Bubble
LV : 70
STR : 119
LUK : 75
Skill Lv : 7
20 % 4 2100

Refine Manual (G)8

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Scorpy the General
Scorpy the General
Ice Man(Shield)
Ice Man(Shield)
Ice Man(Sword)
Ice Man(Sword)

level 104 and below 91 x Spirit of Cat Spirit of Cat
85 x Starfish Starfish
120 x Eagle Feather Eagle Feather
65 x Bundle of Dreams Bundle of Dreams
55 x Mark of Erasnets Mark of Erasnets
LV : 80
STR : 135
LUK : 85
Skill Lv : 8
15 % 4 3400

Refine Manual (G)9

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Cool Boy (ZB)
Cool Boy (ZB)
Ice Dude
Ice Dude
Odd Mirror
Odd Mirror
Gnome Raid
Gnome Raid

level 117 and below 85 x Heart of Golem Heart of Golem
155 x Dullahan's Tear Dullahan's Tear
108 x Crystal of Keterre Crystal of Keterre
151 x Platinum Antennae Platinum Antennae
91 x Soul of Pirate Soul of Pirate
LV : 90
STR : 151
LUK : 95
Skill Lv : 9
10 % 4 5500

Refine Manual (G)10

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Ice Golem
Ice Golem
Gnome Raid
Gnome Raid

level 130 and below 120 x Crustacean's Bone Crustacean's Bone
95 x Foam of Crab Foam of Crab
88 x Doll's Tear Doll's Tear
151 x Dog's Bone Dog's Bone
101 x Premium Thread Premium Thread
LV : 100
STR : 167
LUK : 105
Skill Lv : 10
5 % 5 8900

Refine Manual (G)11

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Grand Mummy
Grand Mummy
Gnome Raid
Gnome Raid
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

level 143 and below 150 x Sphinx's Nose Sphinx's Nose
99 x Jason's Resentment Jason's Resentment
121 x Jason's Heart Jason's Heart
181 x Rusty Gear Rusty Gear
166 x Mark of Sun God Mark of Sun God
LV : 110
STR : 183
LUK : 115
Skill Lv : 11
5 % 5 14400

Refine Manual (G)12

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
「Hard」Giant Beetle
「Hard」Giant Beetle
Ice Queen
Ice Queen
Gnome Raid
Gnome Raid
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

level 156 and below 181 x Mark of Sun God Mark of Sun God
172 x Jason's Resentment Jason's Resentment
163 x Horn of Gork Horn of Gork
154 x Shameless Wooden Board Shameless Wooden Board
145 x Blue Blood of Reptile Blue Blood of Reptile
LV : 120
STR : 199
LUK : 125
Skill Lv : 12
5 % 5 23300

Refine Manual (G)13

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Dark Wizard
Dark Wizard
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

level 169 and below 1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
1 x Diamond Diamond
1 x Diamond Diamond
1 x Diamond Diamond
LV : 130
STR : 215
LUK : 135
Skill Lv : 13
5 % 5 {{{exp}}}

Refine Manual (G)14

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Guardian of Column
Guardian of Column
「Sly」First Pig
「Sly」First Pig
「Violent」Second Pig
「Violent」Second Pig
「Swift」Third Pig
「Swift」Third Pig
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

level 182 and below 1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Diamond Diamond
1 x Diamond Diamond
LV : 140
STR : 231
LUK : 145
Skill Lv : 14
5 % 5 {{{exp}}}

Refine Manual (G)15

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
「Sly」First Pig
「Sly」First Pig
「Violent」Second Pig
「Violent」Second Pig
「Swift」Third Pig
「Swift」Third Pig
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

level 195 and below 1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Diamond Diamond
LV : 150
STR : 247
LUK : 155
Skill Lv : 15
5 % 5 {{{exp}}}

Refine Manual (G)16

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
LV : 160
STR : 263
LUK : 165
Skill Lv : 16
5 % 5 {{{exp}}}

Refine Manual (G)Special

Acquired from Item Level Materials Stats Req. Success Rate Support Slot Exp
Rascal Rabbit Raid
Rascal Rabbit Raid
Soul Collector MK Raid
Soul Collector MK Raid
Three Piglets Raid
Three Piglets Raid
Gnome Raid
Gnome Raid
Guardian of Pilar Raid
Guardian of Pilar Raid
Scariel Raid
Scariel Raid

Nara sumber : Seal Wiki
All 1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Soul Rune Stone Soul Rune Stone
1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
1 x Natural Stone Natural Stone
Blog, Updated at: 22.31